
Welcome to First Church, We believe that God has called this local church into existence. Therefore, in obedience to and in accordance with the Word of God, we purpose to strengthen and spiritually equip believers to evangelize people with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. This includes preaching by means of the pulpit, personal contact, and in any other way that Scripturally fulfills the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15).
To accomplish this, we will assemble for the preaching and teaching of the Word of God through Sunday Schools, preaching services, and Bible-centered educational ministries. Believers will be taught in a manner consistent with the requirements of Holy Scripture, both in Sunday School and weekday services.
Our purpose includes the establishing and maintaining of religious worship and missionary activities in the United States and any foreign country.
Locally, we will endeavor to reach throughout our area with door-to-door visitation, bus ministry, tract distribution, home Bible studies, and ministries to the needy. In these efforts, we trust our Lord for the saving of souls, the equipping of believers, and the calling and sending of laborers into the harvest fields at home and abroad.
Everyone is invited to First Church.
Numbers 10:29 "come thou with us, and we will do the good:"